Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Vampire Knight - Episode 1 Recap & Screencaps.

Vampire Knight Episode 1 -

Favorite Screencaps Highlight -

I am in love with Vampire Knight and it got added to my favorite anime list on MAL. I read that a lot of people thought the plot wasn't very original and they didn't like Yuki, the main character, but I love classic vampire stories and classic main girl characters, so I totally loved it. It's hard to really be shocked anymore in things, so I am not sure what people are expecting if they don't want to watch stuff like Higurashi no Naku Koro ni and School Days. Unless they just want the horribly sad ones...

Anyway. Vampire Knight episode 1 starts off with a little girl lost in the snow, wondering why it's so cold, what white is, what snow is and what the color red is and where it comes from. A woman's voice speaks in her head and tells her that red is related to vampires, and then she gets attacked by a very disturbing vampire who asks if he can eat her. He grabs her head and she screams and tries to run away, but is obviously much weaker, but before he can actually bite her, the snow is splattered with red blood and another vampire, a much more beautiful, graceful and younger one, has killed the vampire going after the little girl by putting his hand through his throat, calling him a disgrace to vampires everywhere. The voice in the little girl's head is talking about how one should get close to vampires because their eyes will captivate them, but the beautiful vampire that saved her, leans over, covered in blood and gently asks if she is okay, reaching out his hand to her, which she takes and he hugs her safely. This was an adorable opening, plus also awesome because I am always speculative of what I will think of vampires in anime, but so far so good.

After that, 10 years have passed, and the girl is named Yuko, and is a teenager and goes to a special academy where she is the Chairman's adopted daughter. She is first seen running to block a bunch of other female students from harassing the 'Night Class' and also saying that the 'Day Class' curfew has already passed, but the girls just claim she wants to be close to them because she is a prefect and already has too much time with them. She defends herself a little, but then gates to the Night Class open and out they come - all beautiful, graceful people who the girls faint and scream over. One of the first ones, a charismatic, blue-eyed, blonde one loves the affection of the female students and flirts with them, making them faint around him. They continue on and then, the vampire that rescued Yuki as a child walks out and he asks if she is okay after she gets knocked down by the crazed girls and she blushes at him and she jumps up, all embarrassed. He asks her not to act so uptight because it makes him feel a little lonely, and she says hse is sorry, he saved her life and she is very grateful but he reaches out and pets her head, telling her to forget about that, it was a long time ago, but before it can go any further, a hand reaches out and grabs Kaname (the sexy vampire that rescued her) and pulls his hand away from her.

You then meet Zero, a 'Day Class' student like Yuki, who is hot as hell with white hair and purplish-grey eyes. He doesn't seem to like the fuss the girls make over the students, nor the fact that Yuki seems to like Kaname so much, but before anything else goes on, Zero tells Kaname that classes have begun and Kaname says he's scary and then leaves.

Yuki then punches Zero for being late and being rude to Kaname, but he just play-fights with her back, but then says it has nothing to do with Yuki's feelings for Kaname, they are just different people.

You learn then that the whole Night Class is filled with vampires, that are mostly sons and daughters of rich upper noblemen in the vampire world, and they are here to be pacifists and try to create a peaceful world between humans and vampires, which Yuki is very much behind, but Zero is not.

Yuki and Zero see the Chairman and you learn that Yuki was adopted when she was little by the Chairman, after Kaname rescued her and brought her there and that Zero was also raised by The Chairman but he does not consider him his father at all.

During the night, Yuki is patrolling and thinking about how her life began when Kaname found her, when she accidentally bumps into him and another male blonde vampire, named Ichijou, who thanks her for always doing such hard work. She immediately runs away and Ichijou comments that there aren't any girls like Yuki in the Night Class and Kaname agrees, stating that for one so accustomed to the dark, she is a very bright light for him. Ichijou then says that even though Kaname is a pureblooded vampire and the other vampires are beginning to like their lives there and will listen to Kaname, there are some others that will still listen to others, as well, but Kaname just says he knows.

Yuki runs off to think about how different she and Kaname are again, and in the meanwhile, Zero is half-unconscious in some bush, looking as if he is in pain and reaching for some kind of pills.

The next day, Yuki is asleep in class and she ends up getting detention for not paying attention and sleeping, but when the time comes, Zero ends up skipping and she goes looking for him as the sun sets. He is found sleeping in a barn, which she seemed to know, and he is awakened by a horse he calls Lily, who doesn't like Yuki. She tells him it is time for them to go patrolling and he says he knows and walks off, and Yuki is left to think about their past instead now and about how she thought she would be able to get closer to him, but it seems not.

Yuki and Zero are patrolling later on and Yuki comments that the Day Class and Night Class are both being good and not wandering around and she says it's almost like they do not have to be Guardians for the Academy anymore, but Zero asks if she really believes that. She says yes, it's her one wish that vampires and humans can live together, but Zero says he will never trust them and the only reason he agreed was so that he could find the most efficient way of killing them.

Yuki doesn't blame him and as he goes off, she remembers her first time meeting him and back into flashbacks we go, which I love. Chairman Cross brought him home one night, telling Yuki that he would be raising him now and his family had recently been killed by a bad vampire. This was four years ago and Yuki said that was the first time she saw pure hatred, but she knows that all vampires are not good and beautiful like Kaname.

As she is patrolling some more, she comes across two female students from the Day Class who are out with cameras and Yuki tells them go to back to their dorms because being out at night is really dangerous, but they said they just wanted some pictures of the night class and there should be nothing wrong with that. However, as one of them stands, she stumbles and Yuki sees she is hurt and bleeding and panics, saying blood is bad and the two of them better get back to their rooms now, but before they can move, someone comes along and Yuki takes out her weapon and defends them, but it turns out to be Aidou, the charismatic blonde vampire and his cousin/buddy, Kain, the hot-cool orange-haired vampire.

Yuki is surprised and asks them what they are doing, but they said they smelled blood and just wanted to see what was going on, but Yuki warns Aidou not to lay one finger on the girls behind her, but Aidou grabs her weapon and tells her that it is her who he is talking about and takes her hand to show her that that she is cut. She curses at herself, recalling cutting herself as she jumped down and he tells her that it smells really good and he is really tempted by it, and then takes his hand to his mouth and pierces it with his fangs, making it bleed a little. The girls freak out, seeing this and as he licks her hand, they pass out. Yuki yells at him to stop but he says he wants more, and pulls down the neck to her shirt, asking if he can drink from her neck, but she yells at him no, she won't let him.

Before anything else can happen, Zero appears yet again, this time with a gun called the Bloody Rose and pulls Yuki away, aiming it at them. Zero tells them that drinking blood on grounds is strictly prohibited, but Aidio says it was just a taste. Yuki yells at Zero not to shoot, but he does anyway, just not at one of their heads, but instead up into a tree. Aidou freaks out, though and cowers saying he is scared, but then Kaname comes and tells Zero to put his weapon away, it is dangerous to vampires. He says he will take responsibility for Aidou and then another one comes down, with purple-blue hair, named Seiren and starts to erase the two other girls' memory, which Yuki says is fine. Kaname says they will bring the girls back to their dorms and Yuki says that's fine.

Zero pulls Yuki off again and says that it smelled like blood back there, making him sick. Then he pulls off his tie and bandages up Yuki's hand.

Yuki is seen later on drying her hair in her bathroom after bathing and thinking about Zero some more and how she could become closer to him when he actually just walks in the bathroom, going to take a bath. She yells at him to knock, but he says his bathroom is broken for the night. He comes over to her and smells her and tells her she doesn't smell like blood anymore and then she starts to talk about a bunch of stuff, including how she wonders if her blood really was that delicious, but Zero, hearing her say this and seeing her neck, rushes off into the washroom and closes the door behind him. Lastly, you see him biting his lip with a fang and drawing blood and whispering for her not to come any closer.

Back in the Night Class dorm, Aidou and Kain have gotten 10 days of suspension, but Aidou says it was worth it for Yuki's blood. Kain warns him not to say that again or Kaname will punish him again and Aidou says that's what he wants. He also says he can't live off of tablets and that Yuki's blood smelled so good that he just couldn't, but before he can finish that sentence, Kaname appears and slaps him and asks him, "Just what?" Aidou apologizes and Kaname walks off mad and up into his room. Kain says that's what Aidou wanted, but Aidou screams at him to shut up. Back in his room Kaname is biting his finger and back outside of her dorm, Yuki is walking outside thinking about her life and vampires.


I loved this first episode, the vampires were beautifully depicted and I loved how people just wnated to naturally be around them and they have super graceful awesome seductive powers. That's how vampires should be - it's so hot. I love the characters, too, I couldn't really think iof anyone I didn't like. Yay for Zero being Kiba and Tamaki and yay for Yuki being Tohru.

Photobucket Vampire Knight Gallery.

Google Picasa Vampire Knight Gallery.

Imagebam Vampire Knight Gallery.

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